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Biologist + Bioinformatician

Josue J.

Covid-19 Tracker

Covid-19 is a severe and contagious respiratory illness caused by a new Coronavirus, SARS-Cov-2.

Symptoms include:

Cases are rising and the CDC recommends maintaining social distance, wearing facial covering, and staying home if you suspect that you may have Covid-19. For information on symptoms, vaccine and testing centers, and guidance on dealing with Covid, click here.

data <- read.csv('')
yesterday <- Sys.Date() - 1
data_cleaned <- data %>%     select(iso_code, continent, location, total_cases, total_deaths, new_deaths, date) %>%     filter(date== yesterday & location != "World")
data_cleaned$hover <- with(data_cleaned, paste(location, '<br>',     "Total Cases: ", total_cases, '<br>',     "Total Deaths: ", total_deaths, '<br>',     "Date: ", date))
# light grey boundaries l <- list(color = toRGB("grey"), width = 0.5)
# specify map projection/options g <- list( showframe = FALSE, showcoastlines = FALSE, projection = list(type = 'Mercator') )
fig <- plot_geo(data_cleaned) %>% add_trace(     z = ~total_deaths, color = ~total_deaths, text = ~hover, colors = 'RdBu',     text = ~location, locations = ~iso_code, marker = list(line = l)) %>% colorbar(title = 'Total Deaths') %>% layout(     title = 'Covid Data by Country<br>         (Hover for breakdown)<br>         Source: <a>href="">Our World in Data<a>',     dragmode= FALSE,     geo = g )
#htmlwidgets::saveWidget(fig, "fig_plot_geo.html")

For a month by month look at worldwide covid cases for the year 2020, click here

sg_data <- data %>%     filter(grepl("^(Asia|Africa|Oceania|North America|South America|Europe)$", continent)) %>%     group_by(date, continent)
daily_cases_smoothed_by_continent <- sg_data %>%     tally(wt= new_cases_smoothed) %>%     streamgraph("continent", "n", "date", interpolate = "cardinal") %>%     sg_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues") %>%     sg_legend(show = TRUE, label = "Continent:") daily_cases_smoothed_by_continent
#htmlwidgets::saveWidget(daily_cases_smoothed_by_continent, "daily_cases_smoothed_by_continent.html")
state_covid_data <- read.csv('') %>%     filter(date== yesterday)
state_codes <- read.csv("") %>%     select(state, code)
state_covid_data <- merge(state_codes, state_covid_data)
state_covid_data$hover <- with(state_covid_data, paste(state, '<br>',     'Total Cases: ', cases, '<br>',     'Total Deaths: ', deaths, '<br>',     'Date: ', date))
# give state boundaries a white border l <- list(color = toRGB('grey'), width = 0.5)
# specify some map projection/options g <- list( scope = 'usa', projection = list(type = 'albers usa') )
fig1 <- plot_geo(state_covid_data, locationmode = 'USA-states')
fig <- fig %>% add_trace( z = ~deaths, text = ~hover, locations = ~code, color = ~deaths, colors = 'RdBu', marker = list(line = l) )
fig1 <- fig %>% colorbar(title = 'Total Deaths')
fig1 <- fig %>% layout(     title = "Covid Data by State<br>         (Hover for breakdown)<br>         Source:<a>href=''>New York Times<a>",     dragmode= FALSE,     geo = g )
#htmlwidgets::saveWidget(fig1, "fig_plot_geo1.html")


Hasell, J., Mathieu, E., Beltekian, D. et al. A cross-country database of COVID-19 testing. Sci Data 7, 345 (2020).

The New York Times. Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States (2021).